Spring Ice Show
Join us for the 2025 Spring Ice Show!
We are partnering with the FSC @ UMN to put on a fun evening of skating at Ridder Arena.
Sign up to participate OR Mark your calendar to come and watch... March 29th, 7-9pm.
Join us for the return of the
Figure Skating Club of Minneapolis Ice Show!
​Let your skater show off all they've learned and have a fun time with their skating friends.
Participation is open and encouraged for all ages and skill levels!
Mondays - 6:00-6:30pm - Adult Group Practices
Saturdays - 9:45-10:15am - Youth Group Practices
Adult Practices - Mondays - 6:00-6:30pm
February 24
March 3
March 10
March 17
March 23 - Opening Rehearsal @ Ridder (7-8pm)
March 24
Youth Practices - Saturdays - 9:45-10:15am
February 22
March 1
March 8
March 22
March 23 - Opening Rehearsal @ Ridder (7-8pm)
March 29
Ice Show
Where will the ice show be held?
The ice show is being held at Ridder Arena on the University of Minnesota Campus. (Practices are all held at Augsburg Arena)
My skater has never been in an ice show before, but this sounds fun! Can my skater participate?
Of course! Any skater who has participated in our Learn To Skate classes or is a Club Member is able to participate!
Do I need to provide a costume?
No! Costumes are a part of the registration fee!
How will skaters be put into groups?
Skaters are grouped by age and ability.
Where can I park for practices and for the show?
For Practices
Skaters can use the parking lot at Augsburg like usual for group classes.​
For the Opening Rehearsal and Show
There are many parking lots near Ridder Arena and ample street parking as well. Most parking lots on campus are only $1 per hour!​​
I want to invite friends and family to watch, is that OK?
Absolutely! We want to fill the stands with a cheering crowd for fill the arena with energy for our skaters! Tickets to watch are only $5 each. For every skater registered, 2 tickets are included in the registration fee. Participating skaters do NOT need a ticket. Tickets can be purchased as a part of your registration OR at the door the night of the show!
Have any questions for us?
For any other questions... reach out to learntoskate@fscmpls.org and we'll be happy to chat!